Troubled Minds TV

Paranormal Activity

Threshold Day - Leaplings and Paranormal Tactile Perception
Paranormal Activity

Threshold Day - Leaplings and Paranormal Tactile Perception

Phantom Warriors - Managing the Timeline
Paranormal Activity

Phantom Warriors - Managing the Timeline

The Elevator Game - Beyond the Doorway Effect
Paranormal Activity

The Elevator Game - Beyond the Doorway Effect

Mysterious Sounds In The Sky Have Been Reported For Years, Is This Something Bizarre Or Mundane?
Paranormal Activity

Mysterious Sounds In The Sky Have Been Reported For Years, Is This Something Bizarre Or Mundane?

EVPs And Haunted Electronics Have Been A Pop Culture Horror Trope Forever, Is This Stuff Real?
Paranormal Activity

EVPs And Haunted Electronics Have Been A Pop Culture Horror Trope Forever, Is This Stuff Real?

As The Solstice Approaches, Stories Of Historical Apparitions Abound, Is There Something To This?
Paranormal Activity

As The Solstice Approaches, Stories Of Historical Apparitions Abound, Is There Something To This?

Do EMF And The Paranormal Intersect? The CIA, MKUltra, and 'The Black Sorcerer ' w/Jennifer
Paranormal Activity

Do EMF And The Paranormal Intersect? The CIA, MKUltra, and 'The Black Sorcerer ' w/Jennifer

What Makes Halloween Special? Art Bell Tribute And Remembering The Past... w/SalsidoParanormal
Paranormal Activity

What Makes Halloween Special? Art Bell Tribute And Remembering The Past... w/SalsidoParanormal

The Haunted Doll Horror Trope - Can Dolls And Objects Really Be Haunted? w/Salsido Paranormal
Paranormal Activity

The Haunted Doll Horror Trope - Can Dolls And Objects Really Be Haunted? w/Salsido Paranormal

Spiritual Portals Are Said To Exist Everywhere -- What Does This Mean? w/SalsidoParanormal
Paranormal Activity

Spiritual Portals Are Said To Exist Everywhere -- What Does This Mean? w/SalsidoParanormal

Infamous Haunted Houses All Over The World - Why Are Houses Haunted?
Paranormal Activity

Infamous Haunted Houses All Over The World - Why Are Houses Haunted?

Ghosts Are A Ubiquitous Part Of Human Culture - Why Do People Believe In Ghost Stories?
Paranormal Activity

Ghosts Are A Ubiquitous Part Of Human Culture - Why Do People Believe In Ghost Stories?